Wednesday 28 January 2015

Journey #2

So last I left off, I was deciding to have a second baby. That was in September'ish of 2009 - by June 2010, a child was born (queue Angels singing and bells ringing)
I seemed to do things quite right during that pregnancy, because the heaviest I got was 150 lbs. (that's 14 lbs. less than the first time)
However, even though my post pregnancy weight was significantly lower right off the bat, it still took me over 2 years to get off my ass and get back into real shape. After Xander was born, I wasn't quite myself, mentally, and that kind of affected me physically too. I never considered myself 'fat', but I certainly wasn't what I wanted to be. I was....kinda...squishy.

This journey is split into 2 parts: Journey #2 and Journey #2.1 (which I will post later)

Journey #2
Here are some nasty photos of me in 2012, stretch marks and all 😣:

Age: 31 - 32
Highest weight: 125.4 lbs.
Lowest weight: 115 lbs.

The first photo on the left was taken in September 2012. Three months prior to that point, my life was flipped upside down when Brian got a job in the US. We made the difficult decision to sell the house and move south of the border for good. I quit my job, immediately began applying for the necessary immigration papers, packed our lives up in boxes and watched a truck take it all away. Xander and I stayed with my cousin in Winnipeg while I waited for my paperwork to get rolling.

Un-employed and homeless, I needed something to focus on and get my mind off the stress, so I started eating healthy and working out (again). I started slowly - ran on the treadmill for about 30 mins a day. My cousin provided me with a meal plan that consisted of 5-6 small meals a day: high protein, healthy carbs, one cheat day. This worked for me. I eventually increased my exercise and followed a strict regimen for the next 6 weeks.

The last photo in that series is taken in November. By this time, Xander and I had moved to Mississauga, Ontario to live with my sister until my Visa was approved. I continued my diet while I was living there. I increased my workouts by throwing in some extra cardio. 3-4 times per week, I would go the gym downstairs in her building, and after my workout, I'd walk up 30 flights of stairs to get back up to her unit. THIRTY! It was insane (my heart is pounding, just thinking about it).. but it felt really good. That really helped me trim up and start to feel more toned.

By the time my Visa was approved and it was time to permanently move to the US in December, I was 10 lbs. lighter and 10 times healthier, mind body and soul. (I still can't believe what a difference 10 lbs. makes!) 
I eased off of dieting and exercising for the first little while after the move, and somehow mysteriously dropped as low as 112.4 lbs. Not sure what was up with that, but it didn't last.

117 was a good weight for me - I had built muscle through exercising, shed fat through diet, and I did it all gradually over approximately 12 weeks, so I was happy with this number and really liked how I felt.

This journey continues with Journey #2.1 -- where I go from healthy to THE FITTEST I'VE EVER BEEN IN MY LIFE! 

Stay tuned...

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