Tuesday 23 October 2012

A journey ahead.

Since selling the house back in August, I've been living at my cousin's house without any real direction.  I knew I was waiting for my Visa, but I didn't know exactly how long that was going to take.

The next step in the Visa process, is to wait for the interview - the interview that will be performed at the US Consulate in Montreal sometime in December (if my calculations are accurate).  
A few weeks ago, I took the plunge and booked one-way flights to Toronto, for Xander and I.  We leave in 6 days....for good.
I've decided to go and stay with my sister and her family in Mississauga.  I'll be scheduled for a medical between now and the time of the interview - and that can only be performed by 1 of 4 certified physicians in Canada -- 2 of which are in Toronto, and the other 2 being in BC and Quebec.  Since we'd be heading to Toronto within the next month or so anyway, I just decided to go early.

Although I'm leaving Xierra a few weeks earlier than expected, I think that Xander and I have overstayed our welcome and have intruded in my cousin and nieces lives, far longer than I'm comfortable with.  My niece has asked me "when can I get my room back" a few times too many -- I don't blame her - it's been 2.5 months since she's slept in her own bed.  It's time we go.

So, the next few days are going to be spent tying up loose ends.  I have 1 client order to fill before I go (yes, I know - I'm STILL working!), boxes to ship and bags to pack.  I have calls to make, and things to cancel.  But most importantly, I have people to see. 

My entire life has been spent living in Winnipeg.  I grew up here, went to school here, started and ended careers here.   I built my house and my business here.  I married here, had both of my beautiful children here.  And all along the way, I've met some extremely amazing people.  People who have been so influential in my life -- people that have been so amazing to me, that calling them my 'friends' does not even do them justice.  They've done more for me, than most family members have done for me.  And without them, I would't be who I am today.  It breaks my heart to know that I will be leaving them, but I find comfort in knowing that my true friends will never let distance keep us apart.
The countdown to my physical departure starts now.  Even though I haven't left the city yet, I consider this the start of my long journey ahead -- one that will surely have it's share of bumps [potholes seems more fitting].  In 6 days, I'll be in a completely different city - not quite my final destination but certainly one step closer, waiting for the next chapter of my life to start -- a life, sans Winnipeg.
I refuse to say that I'll never be back.  After all, this is still home for my baby girl.  But I can confidently say that my home is in Illinois -- it's just waiting for me to get there.

For those who care enough to follow, please stay tuned, as I document my move to the US.  

It starts here.  It starts now.

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